The Daily Full Potential

Push Button Paradise: Unlocking Efficiency and Clarity for Ultimate Success

Introduction In our journey toward personal and professional excellence, clarity isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. Today, I want to explore a concept I call “push button paradise,” a metaphor for achieving an almost magical level of effectiveness through crystal-clear simplicity and organization. The Power of Clarity and Lists Imagine if creating a utopia was as easy … Read more


Elevating Your Frequency: A Holistic Approach to Mind and Body Wellness

In our quest for personal growth and spiritual development, the alignment of mind and body through holistic practices is essential. Our latest video delves into three powerful modalities—movement, meditation, and affirmation—that you can utilize to create profound shifts in your frequency and mindset. Movement: The First Step Towards Change Engaging your body through movement not … Read more


Harnessing the Power of Conservation, Clarification, and Communication

Introduction: In a world that never stops buzzing, the ability to conserve energy, clarify thoughts, and communicate effectively is more crucial than ever. These three facets—Conservation, Clarification, and Communication—form a framework that can significantly enhance both personal growth and professional success. Let’s delve into how each element plays a pivotal role in unlocking our fullest … Read more


Embracing Acceptance: A Journey to Self-Love and Relational Harmony

Acceptance is a profound principle in the universe, a fundamental that invites us to experience life in its entirety. It begins with understanding our preferences—the likes and dislikes that shape our experiences. These preferences, however, can become barriers to appreciation, especially when they prevent us from embracing the whole spectrum of life and relationships. The … Read more


Mastering Projects with a Structured Approach: Time, Talent, Tools, Training, and Target

Introduction: Achieving significant goals requires more than just hard work and ambition. It demands a structured approach that intelligently combines resources like time, talent, tools, and training to hit a well-defined target. This blog post explores a comprehensive framework that not only sets ambitious targets but also ensures sustainable progress through continuous learning and adaptation. … Read more


Harnessing Peak Productivity: A Balanced Approach to Work, Rest, and Personal Growth

Introduction: In our quest for efficiency and success, finding a balance between productivity, rest, and personal development is crucial. I’ve developed a systematic approach to not only enhance productivity but also ensure well-being and personal fulfillment. Here’s how I optimize my day across various aspects of life, ensuring each part is nourished and balanced. 1. … Read more


Embracing Power and Powerlessness: Finding Love in Every Aspect of Self

Yesterday, I experienced a revelation about the nature of power that shifted my perspective on self-worth and love. This duality within us often manifests as two selves: one that craves to be as powerful as possible, and another that feels utterly powerless. Each carries its own narrative about love and acceptance. The Dual Nature of … Read more


Harnessing the Golden Energy of Attention for Conscious Living

In a world where our attention is pulled in countless directions, understanding the true value of our focus is essential. Attention, more precious than gold, feeds and supports our intentions and projects with a potent energy that originates from within our consciousness. Today’s exploration revolves around strategies to recapture our attention and utilize it wisely, … Read more


The Art of Observing Where We Look: Unveiling the Subconscious Mind

In the vast expanse of our mind’s landscape, where does our gaze truly rest? It’s a question that invites us into the labyrinth of our subconscious, urging us to become explorers of our own cognitive processes. As we embark on this journey of self-discovery, we uncover the intricate dance between our conscious desires and the … Read more


Waking Up to Mindful Organization and Energy Flow

Mornings hold the quiet promise of a new beginning, a blank canvas that beckons with the potential of the day ahead. It’s in these early hours, in the gentle act of waking and letting the chest and mind relax, that we find our most potent energy capture, frictionlessness, and the essence of cash flow whispering … Read more


Why we exist: was created to help you realize your Full Potential - whatever that means for you. In the 7 major areas of life: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Financial and Environment.
We are building a network, a directory, a currency, courses, content and off-line community dedicated to helping humans evolve.   We about to release the Cora Nation app, that will connect communities and people that are ready to be part of a new system of human cooperation.

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Get ready to transform with my 7 Day FREE (Gifted) E-Course on How to Unleash Your Full Potential. Details below on what we'll cover.
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"James Rick & Full Potential shows you how to get more out of your life than you ever thought possible." - Brian Tracy
The Things We’ll Be Covering in the (FREE / GIFTED) Unleash Your Full Potential 7 Day Course
~Desire~ - The motivating force behind behavior (drive) (needs vs wants)
~Philosophy~ - The way of looking at things (observer) (paradigm)
~Beliefs~ - Rules for the way things work (story) (intelligence) (facts vs assumptions) (expectations vs agreements) (objective vs subjective) (truth)
~Repetition~ - When the new becomes familiar and easier to accept (hypnosis) (programming)
~State~ - Level and quality of energy to create or respond in any given moment (physiology) (focus) (meaning) (questions)
~Strategy~ - Set of organized actions to most efficiently achieve an end result. (Plan) (checklist) (process)
~Modeling~ - A strategy for acquiring strategies (coaching) (education)
~Decisions~ - Commitment to a way, path or thought (choices)
~Discipline~ - The will or resolve to see a choice through (Will power)
~Actions~ - The motion of follow through in material form (behavior)
~Desire~ - The motivating force behind behavior (drive) (needs vs wants)
~Values~ - What one determines has value based on beliefs.
~Purpose:~ The reason for doing something. (Why) (Mission)
~Philosophy~ - The way of looking at things (observer) (paradigm)
~State~ - Level of energy to create or respond in any given moment (physiology) (focus) (meaning) (questions)
~Discipline~ - The will or resolve to see a decision through (will power)
~Strategy~ - Set of organized actions to most efficiently achieve an end result. (Plan) (checklist) (process)
~Modeling~ - A strategy for acquiring strategies (coaching) (education)
~Actions~ - The motion of follow through in material form (behavior)
~Beliefs~ - Rules for the way things work (story) (morals) (intelligence) (facts vs assumptions) (expectations vs agreements) (objective vs subjective) (truth)
~Vision~ - What one sees presently in the mind. (Past: Memory) (Present: observation) (Future: Imagination)
Results - The effect of all previous actions seen / unseen (cause & effect) (consequences) (conscious / subconscious)
~Repetition~ - When the new becomes familiar and easier to accept (hypnosis) (programming)
~Habits~ - A repetitive action or thought that gets taken over by the subconscious as a reliable way of meeting needs.
~Identity~: The vision or belief of who or what one is in relation to the world it considers itself separate from. (self) (ego)
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